About Dewatering
About Dewatering

The process of dewatering is done to remove the residual water in the site before proceeding with any site work. It is a crucial process in order to seal penetrating of unnecessary water into the surface. Most of the time the process of dewatering is performed by using pumps to remove water from excavation site. It is done to take care of the lower water table that might be causing problems during excavations. Dewatering can also be known as the process of removing water from soil by wet classification. It is the process of lowering the water table level at around a particular location in the contract site.

Why is Dewatering necessary
Dewatering in the construction site plays an important role in the removal of accumulated water in trenches and excavations, places with inadequate slope or due to high water table. Dewatering is also an aspect in the removal of groundwater usually by pumping which then allows the contractor to carry out the works specified in a relatively dry environment.
The general method of builders to discharge waters is a normal pump but they are unaware about the origin of water which further enters the site after construction of foundation, thereby causing corrosion in the building. Therefore it is crucial to know the best practises involved in De-Watering method in order to extract the water table from the excavation area or else it becomes a troublesome during construction. The water once De-watered should be pumped out to nearby water source like lakes, rainwater harvesting systems or other temporary tanks.